Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Lost my VOICE

So I still have no voice. It sucks. I spend so much time talking and now I can't and I am so bored and...quiet. It is a gorgeous sunny day here, I have worked in three days, I feel lazy yet I know that I'm not even able to do my job correctly...I can't answer phones or even greet people. Uuuhg. I hate this. I hope that it passes soon.

George finally called last night. About time too. He said he was really busy with putting the ship back together and he was in Mexico with the boys, I always feel bad about freaking out on him because I know that even when he doesn't call he is thinking of me, but still, I need more attention...especially because I am sick and feeling sorry for myself...if no one else will coddle me I at least hope he will...I think he understands a bit more now...I'm just so needy. My flaw but hey, he married me. *soft smile* I do love him so much more than I tell him. Things are hard right now with him being so far away and all the stress we've had the past while. I can't wait to get home and just be a regular married couple. I'm not sure what that is, but I'm really looking forward to it.

In more good news, my favourite group, Sweatshop Union is coming to Jasper on October 17th, 2005. I'm so pumped. I haven't seen them live yet, only Kyprios ( a member of the group.) They are just such an inspirational group of Canadians. I love Canadian hip hop. I totally owe it to Nicki and her friends for introducing me to Sweatshop. Their newest album, United We Fall is pretty interesting. Although I am a military wife, as a Canadian I understand the feeling to be against the US government and the war. What they speak on the record is about breaking from conformity of being constant clones. They want us to think for ourselves. They speak the concious thoughts of hip hop today. Their music is not bitches and hoes and never ending money and drugs....they talk about the real world. I respect what they do and their methods. I feel very jumbled up from this cold medicine so I'm going to stop here...but I'll write more later.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

The Unthinkable.

So good news. Rita missed Corpus Christi and went straight on to LA...incase you've been under a rock and not seen the news. George is most likely heading home (since he has an issue with calling me!) and back to work tomorrow. I'm sad for those who lost it all in these disastorous hurricane season and I feel extreamly fortunate to have been spared the heartache. God Bless Texas.

In more news, I have officially lost my voice today. What started as a terrible headache has escalated to a bad cough and then upon waking this morning to find that I have no voice whatsoever. When I attempt to talk it comes out like a squeak. It sucks. I've had to call in sick to work twice now...and I feel guilty for it because I'm not sick, I just can't perform any functions of my job without a voice. It is silly really. I've been drinking tea and taking lemon all day to try and get my lovely voice back but it seems to no avail so far. Can you imagine, Kelsey not being able to talk? It is quite the scene. I feel very quiet for obvious reasons.

Still waiting to hear if Sweatshop Union is definately coming to Jasper. I can't wait to see them. I love them. I so hope that they are really coming to Jasper. *grins*

I'm gonna go and eat some soup and have a nap. I hope all is well with whomever is reading this and I will post more new information just as soon as I hear it.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Rita Rita go away

So it has been forever since I updated this here. Many things have gone on. First things first, I'll start a few weeks ago. Nicki turned 20. Wow. Not a teen any longer. So we gathered up 15 of our best friends, rented a van and driver and went to Jasper for the night. Not only did we go but we dressed up as well. 70's. We went GROOVY! The photo above is me and B in our 70's gear. Yes, I am wearing not one but TWO hair pieces! It was a great night had by all, no puking, no fighting, no one in jail and everyone home in their own bed safe and sound. It was awesome. If you want to see more photos of that trip as well as all of my other digital photos I have a new website for you to see:

All me all the time. The good, the bad and the ugly.

What brother is now a Kimberly Dynamiter. We're very proud and he is doing great. I will update more and more, only played a few games and has already scored some points. I'll get some awesome photos once we get down there to watch a few games.

So George was evacuated today. Hurricane Rita is bearing down on our home. Yesterday it was supposed to hit between Corpus CHristi and Galveston. Unfortunately we live directly between the two places. Thankfully (for us) the hurricane has shifted and is moving further towards Houston. I have been glued to CNN for two days, hardly able to sleep, and I have a horrible head cold, watching to see what is going on. Doesn't help that the navy keeps my husband so busy that he can't call me to tell me what is going on. Finally he called today, he is going to Brownsville to wait out the storm. I am pretty upset still, we stand to lose all that we own. Everything is in storage in Corpus and I'm really hoping that the warehouse can stand through it. Upon watching the traffic getting out of Houston, I'm thankful to be in the middle of nowhere in nothern Canada. Nothing bad happens here (knocking on wood) maybe not nothing but we don't have tragic natural disasters. I am pleased to see a bit more planning and strategy going on with hurricane Rita as I had hoped for Katrina, but it seems that everyone has learned from that mistake. I cannot even begin to imagine what the people of New Orleans are going through. So I have taken to prayer to get me through this troubling time. I pray that all are okay and that perhaps by some other freak of nature the hurricane dissapates and just goes away, we've had enough disaster Mother Nature!

Beyond that, I'm sick, I hate being sick. I'm drinking NeoCitron right now...YUCK! It tastes disgusting but is supposed to ease my symptoms. If you can imagine, I'm even having a really hard time talking. My throat is all swollen and I can't stop coughing and sniffing. I've also had a week long headache. It sucks. I've been overdosing on echineacia (bad spelling) each night before bed so I'm hoping it is going away.

I'm going to go to bed now, and try to sleep. I'll post more soon. My thoughts are with you Texas...stay safe.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

my new hair

good morning,

things are overcast today, much like my mood. I am not going to go into details of my sadness right now but I'm feeling rather sick to my stomach. I haven't written here for awhile, to be honest I've been pretty busy. I usually check my email late at night before bed and am too tired to write down the day's composition. Today I'm up early (11:00am is early for me) and so I thought I would write some things here.

Marley had her kittens, Donalda is a Grandmother and I, again, am an auntie. Marley had five babies, let me see if I can remember their names, there is Simba, Melody, Reggae, Ziggy, and ummm...hmmm...I forget the last name, when it comes to me of if Donalda is reading this, I will add the name. They are adorable. I can't wait to see them when they get a bit older. Running around the house and playing, so cute. I love it when we had kittens here. *smiles* Ah, kittens, they always make you smile...unless you are Byron.

The New Orleans tragedy is really bothering me too. I have such mixed feelings. I mean, I feel absolutely horrible for those who lost their lives and their homes. I have in fact pleged a couple days of pay from my work to help those in need. But I just keep wondering, why didn't they leave their homes. I feel like they could have done so much more to help themselves and there are also people who even today will not leave their homes. I feel sick about it. My sister has been watching Oprah everyday watching the coverage. I can't bring myself to sit down and watch it. Does that make me a cold person? I just feel helpless watching tv shows about what is going on. I asked my sister if she was going to donate and she said she'd like to but doesn't know where to donate to, and I wonder how many other people are feeling that. I know that my few days wages aren't really going to do much but at least I feel less of the hopelessness as before. Not completely gone but less. My heart goes out to everyone effected.

Work is going okay. I can't actually remember my last day off. I think probably because it has been awhile. At least three weeks anyways. We had a girl who was sick so I had to give up my days off. I did volunteer but now she is bitching at me because she has to work the am shift, I want to tell her to fuck right off because if it wasn't for her supposed "sickness" I would have had a few days off and wouldn't have to worry about working so much. But I don't, I just sit and smmile and bide my time. What goes around comes around right...karma.

And it was a very sad Wednesday last week. Ty has unfortunately been voted off Rockstar:INXS. It was horrible for all of rockdom. I am certain that Ty will be back though and making his own album. I will definately be a fan. He is awesome.

Baby brother is now a Dynamiter. He is playing in Kimberly. I am hoping to head down for the home opener next weekend although because of our stupid staff I dont know if I can have ONE day off next week. I'm not impressed. But this isn't about me. Blair is really excited and looks like he will be living in his own apartment. Which is kinda awesome. Although I don't know how he would be able to live on his own, but everyone has to learn. *laugh* Baby brother is growing up. I'm really proud of him and I will post updates here.

Other than that. I'm feeling rather out of sorts. I will post more soon.