Okay, so 2 posts in one day. Another thing I found online, were these...GenPets. I was so disturbed I couldn't stop looking away. I read through the entire website.
These pets are gentically engineered, you buy them at Wall-Mart and they come packaged like the newest action figure, except they are alive, they have a heart monitor on the top of the package.
You can get them in any personality you'd like, for myself, I was thinking I would liberate one from the colour purple, which is supposed to be spiritual.
I looked at all the photos, it said that the reason the animals are bound in the cases like action figures is so that the consumer can see what they are buying. The animals come in two lifespans, 1 year or 3 years.
I was so disturbed. I wanted to buy them all. Just to save them from hanging on the shelf...they make all kinds of disclaimers saying "Genpets are cheap so that if your child has an "accident" they are easily replaceable." I was horrified...and I actually couldn't even eat dinner...my eyes glued to the little creatures, looking at their bindings all red and swollen. The website claims that they keep the pets in a statis-like sleep so that they are spared the stress of being in a store...and then they "wake-up" when you bring them home...
After I couldn't take it any longer, I thought I would google the GenPet and find out if I could see photos of them in action. Turns out the GenPet and website are the creation of a Canadian guy making socal commentary on genetic engeneering. Wheww....so there are no real GenPets...just clay models and phony photos meant to scare the public into awarness....okay...I'm aware, can I have dinner now?
Monday, July 31, 2006
Nature Re-Defined...
Posted by Kelsey at 5:39 p.m. 0 comments
The Hottest New Trend-YUCK!
Okay, so I was bored the other day, cruising around online, checking out some cool and weird stuff. I came across this. WTF? Serioulsy...you can buy GARBAGE from New York!
You can decide what you want to be in your garbage too and the sticker on the bottom tells you when it was picked up.
All for $50.00. Insanity. Although they do offer free shipping!
Can I get one with coffee grounds, subway ticket, chinese takeout container and a yankees ballon, hot dog half eaten and maybe some onion? Sounds like a smell of New York to me!
Check it out for yourself GARBAGE FROM NEW YORK!
Posted by Kelsey at 5:31 p.m. 0 comments
Friday, July 28, 2006
Old Time Girl
So I cooked stew today. It turned out more like a very hearty soup. I'm still learning this whole cooking thing...it is HARD! *laugh*
George played video games all day again, and most likely well into this evening, I guess it is getting me ready for him to be gone...but still...you'd think he'd want to spend more time with me...but who knows. We'll go to marriage counselling when he gets home. I think that will be best for both of us.
I also uploaded all the photos from my old website so that they can be preserved. *smiles* Took forever as geocities sucks. But finally I'm done.
Other than that, nothing to report today...a pretty boring day, I might write more later.
Posted by Kelsey at 4:49 p.m. 0 comments
Thursday, July 27, 2006
hey Summer!
Summer-email me. Or include your email in one of your posts. or add my myspace. I'd like to know you more!
Posted by Kelsey at 7:04 p.m. 0 comments
Pink Polka Dots
Good god. I am loosing my mind. Yep, I'm addicted to the internet. George plays video games basically all day lately, I know it is because he is stressed about this tour coming up. He leaves in a week so he plays video games and I mess around the computer.
Last night I spent 4 hours redoing my Myspace. *laugh* I'm such a huge dork. Today, I've spent the past 2 hours looking for a polka dot layout for my blog. I ended up with this one that I like also, so I'm not too bent out of shape about it.
Anyways, a friend, or maybe, former friends got married the other day. I am really happy for them. I saw the photos, she looked gorgeous like usual. The reason I saw former friends is because that when they first got together I was alittle too opinionated, well alot too opinionated. I stick to my beliefs on it, but it has cost me a very valuable friendship...which is really sad. Such as life. Congratulations on your marriage. I know that you will have nothing but the utmost joy and happiness in your future, you both deserve it.
And I was reading my usual garbage online this morning with coffee and found out that Lance Bass from NSync is Gay. No kidding. I would be unsurprised to find out that all the boy band dudes are gay. Except maybe JT, he did have sex with Britney...so you go boy band guy...I'm happy you're happy and I'm finally right about something!
Thats all for now!
Posted by Kelsey at 6:52 p.m. 0 comments
Sunday, July 23, 2006
All Tatted Up
Hola again everyone,
So I joined a new website (thanks Sarah) called Flylady. It is all about how to keep yourself grounded with household cleaning. It wasn't that I was overwhelmed but when it is only two people here and I have NOTHING to do all day, I spent most of the time agonizing over what to clean and ended up fully cleaning the house every single day and losing my motivation to do anything else...so thank you flylady, my babysteps are just that and I'm developing my routine.
Another part of my routine is to write here. I know that some of you reading this, like for me to update it because this is the only insight you have into my life, sorry aboot that eh! *laugh* You can call me too...and now that I've not got my hands full with the toilet!
Anyways...G and I are going to see Clerks 2 today. For those of you that don't know, G is obsessed with all things Kevin Smith...so I really hope it is good for if not, he will not be happy and I'd like him to stay happy as he is leaving in less than two weeks...for another six months *wail*.
In more news, seriously what is the deal with Veet. Okay, so I've seen the commericals, and the mag adverts. So I bought some. I first tried it on my bikini line, OMG, do not EVER DO THAT! It burned the skin for days. I was traumatized. So yesterday I tried it on my legs. It doesn't even take the hair down to the root...it was very weird and smelled horrible. They say,ooh, your boyfriend's here, just put veet on and three minutes later he'll be rubbing them for you...blaah blah blah...yeah, maybe if he is craving an egg salad sandwhich...yuck on the smell. YUCK YUCK YUCK!
What else...hmmm...I've discovered black nail polish. I know what you're thinking, "OMG, Kelsey moved to Texas and is now Goth or Emo or probably a bit of both..." but you're wrong. See I'm constantly looking for new ways to reinvent myself and black nail polish is only the first step. I'm going for a more classic look these days, with a little bit of punk. Black nails (OPI-Black Tie Optional or Chanel Vamp) black/pink hair and I'm searching out my next tattoo. The pic above is one of the creative options, it won't be just like that but a punch of pics like that curving up my hip and onto my back. Yep, I'm getting the big one. I'm also dressing in alot of polka dots, classic colours and heels. Just feeling like a hot women I guess. *smiles*
Anyways, time for me to shine my sink! Love ya!
P.S.-Photos aren't working today, I'll add it later.
Posted by Kelsey at 10:56 a.m. 1 comments
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Home again, Flanagan..
Hello out there!
I haven't written in a really long time I know. I've been busy, I'm HOME! Yay!!!
Short Version:
All went well at INS (Immigration) I arrived in Texas to record heat and humidity. Got to the apartment with my honey who is by the way, the hottest man around. We had a roommate for awhile...he is gone now. THe house looked like Bachelor Hell so I transformed it into Married Couple Heaven, almost, still working. I don't have my work authorization yet so I can't get a job. Our car got broken into on my birthday and so since then we've been getting the replacement stuff installed...everything is WONDERFUL!
George leaves in a few weeks back to the middle east...and so I'm getting nervious about being alone but also excited about starting my new life...once my work auth gets here and I can finally see my doctor about the weight reduction...
thats all for now...
I'll update more I promise.
Posted by Kelsey at 11:06 a.m. 0 comments