Thursday, August 25, 2005

Rock On.

So I worked the morning shift on Tuesday so I was able to catch Rockstar:INXS. Ty again blew me away. I actually had goosebumps and I don't even like rock music that much. He sang "Proud Mary" and I was glued to his image (above). I'm such a dork, reality tv oriented and all. This photo definately doesn't do him justice...he is way hotter than that! *smiles* Check out the show.

The weekend is almost here, I work tonight and then have three days off, which is awesome because this Dunster Music Fest is this weekend. I'm stoked to go. It is going to be really really fun I think. There are a couple of hip hop acts too which is pretty exciting. I'm excited to hang out with everyone too. I usually have to work at least a few shifts but not this time. I got all they days I requested. But then next week will be a long it all works out.

I want to talk about something else here too. So in BC the teachers are thinking of going on strike. I am so pissed about it, be warned, this might turn into a rant. I don't think the teachers should be allowed to go on strike. It isn't like they are actually making a point. Seriously though. They will walk off the job for one day and then the government will legislate them back to work and they will end up looking ridiculous. Teachers are going on strike because they want more money, and because they have no contract as of this year. Well to be honest, I think it is a bunch of horseshit. The teachers make enough money already but even then, if they want more money they neeed to bargain for it, not strike. The only people who end up being affected by the strike are the kids. The government doesn't care. WHen I was in Grade 12 the teachers went out in May, which means that our final exams were postponed, which most kids would be really happy about however in BC we had these exams called Provinicals. All 12 students around the province have to write them and we are scored all together, which means that these are the marks that universities look at. Because ours had to be postponed means that generally most of the spots for Universities were already taken. Each test occurs at the same time around the province. I applied to a bunch of schools with my late test results and low and behold I got into my last choice school because the others were already full. I was beside myself I was so angry. My grades were really really good in highschool...definatley an A student. But I got over that one, I ended up loving my school and was happy I didn't move to Quebec. So then in my third and final year of university the union went on strike again. And again this was during the final exam time. And because both of my parents are part of the union (they work for the school district and mum is specialized) I was not allowed to cross the picket line. To make matters worse I was part of the student union so I was not even allowed to be involved with the negotiations. I recieved a call from two of my profs to say that if I missed my exams due to the strike that I would recieve a failing grade. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place so I did what any political science student would do...I went up to the school and to the picket line. I talked to the leader of the strike and told him what was going on...IE: that I have finals today to complete my degree, that I am paying money, my OWN money to be there, that my parents are both union members, that I understand what they are fighting for but that I can't say I agree and that because I am a member of the student union I might lose my position so that I can complete my exams. He was a bit stunned at the moment so I grabbed my cell and called my Mum. I was in tears because I didn't know what to do. On one hand the union has taken care of my family for my entire life. On the other hand I cannot just give up these classes. I had two left to complete my degree and had paid $1200 for each class of my hard earned monies. On yet another hand, I didn't think it fair that I lose my position within the student union for doing something that I saw no way around. Finally Mum picked up and said, "YOu cannot cross that picket line, for any reason." This made it even more hard. I talked more and more to the picket leader and finally we came to an agreement. He said he would sign a paper saying that they permitted me to go and write my final exams as long as I did not use any school facilities or spend any money within in the school, thus saying that I could walk in, sit down, write my finals and get out, not use the bathroom or anything else. We wrote our little contract on a napkin which I still have. It was a horrible day for me. Who were the victims of this strike? ME! AND MY FELLOW STUDENTS. I have several friends who took F's for what they believed in, and several friends who walked right through swearing at the picketers. They ended up on strike for one more day and then the government legislated them back to work. They ended up getting nothing that they went on strike for. They also ended up with lawsuits from students who lost money and grades. The issue is still talked about on campus. Strikes accomplish nothing. It is a totall waste. Blah blah blah. Enough of this.

Love TY. Watch the show. Rock on.