Friday, January 27, 2006

K Star ~ Super Heroin

Well...Thank the Lord for St. John's Wort. *smiles* Been taking it for little over a week and the clouds have lifted. I'm a much happier person. *smiles* So is George. We are getting along famously now. No more fighting, or arguing or anything. Bliss. Finally.

In more news, there is a chance we could move to Bahrain. I've been looking into it and I'm a go. I would love to move there. I know, all the trouble in the middle east seems harsh, but Bahrain is the Canada. Calm and peaceful, although always thrown into the mix by their neighours....*smiles* So Bahrain, if the Navy says go, we'll jump!

Beyond that, I'm almost done my immigration...I think. I'm waiting on my last piece of the puzzle, which is my passport and then interview in Vancouver at the US Embassy, and medical exam to make sure I don't have syphillis. Imagine. I asked if they would just take my word for it, but alas, the test must go on. Just another hurdle. I don't have any diseases in case you were fact I'm surprised that I have no ailments. With the exception of being fat, which my friends and family view as an epidemic of AIDS porportions...I know I know...heart diesease, diabetes...yada yada yada...I'm having surgery, I'll be "healthy" in awhile.

Skidily (sk-id-ily) ~ Person who is homeless, does not own a car, can't buy their own drinks, drinks lysol, and pine sol, etc. Example: Fubar. More from Emily's drunk slur-ily dictionary to follow. I love drunk people. Myself included. Gangsta G included. Crying screeching messes of people excluded. Except Cammille. *laugh*

Have a great day peeps. Peace love and music. ANd above all else...Go Canucks.