Friday, January 13, 2006

When will it be better?

How do you say I love you long distance? How do you make it right when you're so far away. What do you do when you crave attention and affection from someone who is a million miles away? It is so hard. I feel as though I'm alone even though I'm half of a wonderful marriage. A marriage that is wonderful when I'm actually there with him. Or when we can communicate like we used to. My "George" folder is full of romantic and beautiful words that he has written to me over the past six years. His skill as a writer is unmatched in that he can make me feel like the most important woman alive. Lately he has become busy and amused by other things and I feel very neglected. It isn't just him though, I know that my pretty emails have also been not there however I have been making an effort for the past few weeks to rectify this. I write my heart out to him and I get no response. I call and leave "I love you" messages to no reply. He calls when he isn't busy and then we talk for like five minutes while I'm at work and I can't control when guests need me. It is so frusterating. I know that he is busy and that I can't be so selfish to believe that his world revolves around me, but seriously, what kind of relationship do we have? I know that things are already weird for us because we're stuck in different countries and we both work opposite shifts at work and we're on a time difference...but still...shouldn't we be able to make this work and make each other feel good about things? I don't know what to do. I miss him so much. I miss the us that is good. I miss feeling like I'm the most important part of his life. I miss being the happy girl that he calls to say "I love you" to before he goes to bed. I hope that once I get home this mess goes away on its own. Until then I pray...