Thursday, July 28, 2005

i love canada

I'm so tired today. I didn't get anything done today. Got up, went to work, went to Cammie's, went to dinner, checked my email and heading to bed. Booring! Aww, Cammie's sister was here today and she has pink in her hair...I MISS MY PINK! so much. I want it back so badly. *sigh*

Other than that, not alot is new. Well nothing really. *laugh* I'm feeling good today. It rained all day though. I can't wait to get back to Cali and back to the sunshine, and shopping and hookah and George. I miss him so much. I miss my California people alot. Especially in the summer...we had such great summers.

I'll keep this one short. How are you all!?!? Email me.


Erika said...

i love your canadian pride. it's so endearing. Especially since right now I'm a bit ashamed of being an American. We get to pick our orders next week (supposedly) and I'm really hoping that SD is available. Is George there right now? I hope you get to come back here soon. I just want to say that I think it's really awesome how you post up all of these pretty pictures of yourself. I know that most of the world likes to hate on the big girls but I think you are proving everyone wrong. Any size is beautiful as long as you are confident and have a great smile-you have both of those things.

If we both live in SD we have to hang out all the time!!!