Sunday, July 24, 2005

I really REALLY want this tattoo...

so last night I had this incredible dream. and no, i'm not going to write about it here. it is so personal to me and so important to me that i want to keep it all to myself. i've been in and out of daydreams today remembering it. wow. so perfect. you know when you have those dreams that you feel that you have to write down so you don't forget them? it was one of those and instead of writing it down i emailed it to my love who the dream was all about...*smiles* I'm such a romantic.

in other news, my plans of getting wasted last night fizzled for sure. i'm going through alot of things right now and well, drinking isn't one of them. i'm having some heart problems, not medically but emotionally. i am so in love that it hurts...imagine. It is wonderful and not wonderful all at the same time. but I'm cool with it, because a love like this only comes around once.

so yea, went to the bar last night, saw friends I haven't seen since high school and that was six years ago! while it was great to see them, it was also hard because i feel like we're not close at all anymore and that sucks. but that is life...right?

my cousin katie stopped by today. CONGRATS to her, she and John are getting married next summer. I'm so excited for her. She has such a beauiful soul and such gorgeous little boys. i hope her and i remain close forever...she is awesome.

work still sucks.

i am tired and feeling a bit drained. i'm off to read a bit and write a letter to a special someone...peace yall.
